ALA North East

Wednesday 20 March 2019

The ALA North East Group will be holding their next Seminar on Wednesday, 20 March 2019 at Womble Bond Dickinson, Newcastle.

The seminar will focus on two principal areas of topical and current interest to Members:

The General Binding Rules for Septic Tanks and the implications that professional advisers need to be aware of in the context of transactions of land and property and general property management and an update on the draft Agriculture Bill and related policy matters.

Our speakers will be:

Robert Frewen FRICS FAAV, CLA North

Stuart Wardlaw, Head of Regulatory & Environment at Womble Bond Dickinson

Mike Holland, Secretary & Adviser, ALA

Members and Non-Members are welcome.


Click here for full details and a booking form

Time : 4pm to 6.30pm

Cost : £15 (incl. VAT) per person