Tuesday 6 April 2021

The Farming Community Network has been at the forefront of recognising mental wellbeing as an issue in farming, informed by the number of callers to the helpline presenting with poor mental health as an issue.  

FCN have developed Mental Health Awareness sessions so that people are better able to detect when poor mental health starts to have an adverse effect on people and when and how to seek help. 

The training raises awareness of the issues.  It does not, though, give people the ability to diagnose.  

FCN will be holding two sessions for Members and their colleagues, via Zoom and free of charge, on the following dates:

    2pm, Tuesday 6 April (CLICK HERE TO BOOK THIS SESSION)

    6pm, Tuesday 20 April (CLICK HERE TO BOOK THIS SESSION)

The sessions last two hours and are informal and interactive.  

You will learn about the range of mental health conditions , the value of supportive listening, and will also gain an insight into how to recognise the signs when somebody is having thoughts about suicide, and how to intervene in a positive way.

Time : 2pm-4pm

Cost : Free of charge